Happiness Project Resolution Check-In #6

Jazz Parayaoan
2 min readMay 29, 2023


This week was a really good week for me. A lot went on in terms of school but I made it through and a feeling or relief and comfort had come in after.

First off, I had my last tech meeting with my professor for my senior sequence class. It went really well considering we had to do some last minute touches to the website and I had stayed up all night trying to fix it with my group for the project.

Then presentation day came, which was AES on Thursday. We did our slides first showing what we built the project with and then we demonstrated our project with a skit that we prepared to get the audience engaged and not just be so serious. We brought in little props and we were committed to the bit. I was happy with the way it turned out and couldn’t have done it without our collaborative effort.

That’s just one page of the website that we built. If you want to see the rest of what we did, go to dndworldcreator.azurewebsites.net ;)

Having done that presentation lifted a ton of weight off my shoulders and now I have more time to do things that I had been wanting to do, but put off because of this project.

Then just this past Saturday, I went and took graduation photos with my friends! We were supposed to go to the Portland Rose Garden, but there was absolutely zero parking so we went to The Grotto instead. Then we came back down to Monmouth and took pictures around campus. It was a lot of fun, but very tiring since we were up at 6 am and up till 3am the next day as we were celebrating taking the photos and getting through the week.

Overall, this week weny by really quickly and I had a lot of fun. There were twists and turns, but I wouldn’t change it for the most part.

